Configure Chameleon to recognize outdated terminology

In this article you will learn how to configure outdated terminology in the Chameleon plugin for the IntelliJ Platform.


You need:

How to configure

In order to ease refactoring outdated terminology you should configure them in Chameleon. These are the steps to take:

  1. Open the Preferences panel.
  2. Navigate to the Tools > Legacy Terms section in the left column.

    Legacy Terms configuration panel in PyCharm

  3. Add a Legacy Term (Shift ⇧ + N) by clicking on the πŒ† button (right next to the - button).

    Add Term to Legacy Terms configuration panel in PyCharm

  4. After selecting a Legacy Term from the list, add a Replacement (⌘ + N) by clicking on the + button.

    Add Replacement to Legacy Terms configuration panel in PyCharm

  5. You can add multiple Replacement options to a Legacy Term. After selecting a Legacy Term from the list, add another replacement (⌘ + N) by clicking on the + button again.

    Add another Replacement option to Legacy Terms configuration panel in PyCharm

  6. You can add another Legacy Term (Shift ⇧ + N) by clicking on the πŒ† button (right next to the - button).

    Add another Legacy Term to configuration panel in PyCharm

  7. Remove a Legacy Term and all Replacement options by selecting a Legacy Term from the list and then Removing it (⌘ + N) by clicking on the βˆ’ button.

    Remove a Legacy Term and all Replacement options from the configuration panel in PyCharm

Next steps

Now that Chameleon understands which outdated terminology you want to get rid of, it is time to start refactoring.


If you encounter any issues with configuring outdated terminology, then the most pragmatic way to resolve them is to remove the .idea/legacy-term.xml configuration file in the root of your project. Now you should be able to reconfigure Chameleon.

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